Want To See An Embarrassing Gender Reveal In Wrigley?

Okay, I get that filming gender reveals are a thing now but the skill of the parents has to match the theme of the reveal. Based solely on this video, they probably would've been better off with a baseball shaped piñata, something static that someone can actually have a chance at hitting. Also, just deciding to throw a powdered ball and swing a bat in a crowd behind the Wrigley bleachers might not have been the best idea either. Again, we only have these :11 seconds to go off of but it seemed rushed. No one needs all that pressure. There are plenty of alleys around Wrigley, why not just pop into a side street for the video? Although, I'm sure the main now deleted angle probably has the "Budweiser Bleachers" sign in the background. Lastly, and I mean this in the best way, put down the kid before you pitch. Something tells me this video would have gone a lot smoother if she had proper weight distribution during her delivery. You ever play bags or beer pong? It makes a difference whether you have a full drink in your non throwing hand versus an empty or if you have three bags in one hand as opposed to just one or no bags. It's all about weight distribution and having a living, breathing child on your hip is not common place when it comes to playing catch. I'm just saying. And did they have to be Cubs fans? This video would've been a lot funnier if they were wearing White Sox or Cardinals jerseys...instead I have to defend this beautifully tragic gender reveal because that's what we do as Cubs fans. We win together and unfortunately, we lose together too. With that being said, let's blame it on the wind and call it a day! Congratulations to this Cubs family and their new soon to be here baby boy! If you need someone to coach the kid fundamentals in hitting and pitching, not to brag but, I was a little league all star for four straight years..from age 8-12...   


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