Workouts More Than 13 Minutes Are A Waste Of Time

I mean, if you're saying we don't have to workout as long and we'll see the same results... I'm DOWN!

A new study was just published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise and let's just say I like the results.

For eight weeks, participants were put to work using the same seven exercises.. although the length of the actual workout varied.. so some participants did single-sets and only worked out for 13 minutes, the next did three-sets and worked out for 40 minutes, while the next group did five-sets and worked out for 70 minutes.

At the end of the study the results were kind of shocking. There were very little variances in strength gains.. while those who worked out longer saw their muscles physically get BIGGER, their strength level was around the same.

So BRB, I'm about to cut my workouts in half.

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