My New Netflix Obsession!

Confession; I became slightly obsessed with Marie Kondo this week!

The Netflix show "Tidying Up" is my latest addiction. It makes #TheLisaList this week.

The couples featured on the show stress me out but make me happy that I married the right man. He's as casual as I am about these things. It might help that we live 4 hours apart. Yes, I'm in a long distance marriage and it works! We have no time to complain about what our closets look like. Full disclosure; His are highly organized. Mine? Not so much! I'm ready to follow Marie's instructions and "Spark Joy"!

Who is Marie Kondo?

If your home is so overrun by clutter that you can’t find the TV remote, then perhaps you haven’t heard about Marie Kondo yet. An indisputable expert at cleaning up clutter, her new show on Netflix is called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. It follows the Japan-based professional organizer as she helps people at different stages of life clean up their homes and clear out the junk they don’t need.

Marie Kondo runs a massively successful home organizing business that she founded when she was just 19. Her New York Times bestseller, which explains her tidying principles, has sold more than 8 million copies in 40 languages. In a short amount of time, Kondo has become a cultural phenomenon and a household name.

What is "Spark Joy"

"You can also define things that spark joy as things that make you happy,” Marie Kondo explains in her book. The way she goes about getting her clients organized involves a multi-step process that involves sorting by item category rather than by room. The KonMari method madates that you only keep the items that bring you joy.

Will Marie help me get organized? Please?

The method Marie Kondo uses to clear out cluttered homes is delightfully simple once you get the hang of it.

In Kondo’s world, tidying isn’t about buying fancy closet systems or hundreds of baskets. Instead, Kondo instructs clients to focus on what they want to keep rather than what they should get rid of. By changing your mindset, you can more easily decide what’s truly important for your future.

As Kondo explained during an interview with The Guardian, “A lot of people hit a roadblock because they feel they have to throw something away, but that’s not the point. It’s about understanding what needs to go versus what’s important to you.”

I'll keep you updated on how long my new obsession lasts and if it has any lasting impact....

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