SAT Exams Now To Include "Adversity Scores" To Capture Student Backgrounds

CBS NEWS - The Wall Street Journal reports a new scoring index on the SAT will calculate an individual student's "adversity score" looking at 15 factors tied to family income, neighborhood, and the quality of their high school. The College Board, the nonprofit that oversees the SAT, plans to expand the index to 150 schools this fall.

How do you feel about this? Seems like more of a background check to avoid admitting "violent individuals" into your school rather than giving a kid from an underprivileged neighborhood a fair shot at a college education. I know it's the skeptic in me saying that but given the current state of our union, you need to stay woke on things like this and examine it from all sides rather than take the information as it's given to you. I sound like a conspiracy theorist now but I don't think I'm wrong. Time will tell I guess.

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