The Biggest Scam In Our City...

Scams are becoming way to common in my opinion... I just don't know how people can without any remorse just rip peope off.

A list of the biggest scams in North American cities was released.. here are a few;

  • Cleveland: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
  • Chicago: Kids will offer to "watch" your car for a few dollars in certain sketchy neighborhoods.
  • Toronto: The Sticker Lady who tells people they're beautiful and offers a sticker in exchange for a donation.
  • Austin: $2,5000 rent for a small apartment in a city with some of the worst traffic in the U.S.
  • New York: Real-estate broke's fees & 6% commission
  • Dallas: Dudes in white panel vans who pull into gas stations and hustle you into buying steaks or stereo equiment
  • New Orleans: The Sewage & Water Boards' extortionary tactics.

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