Looking For Some Extra Cash? This Job Will Give You $5,000 To Just Shop...

SOURCE - Plenty of people consider heading into work every day as merely a means to a paycheck, a way to support a steady shopping and dining-out habit. Some of us even enjoy the added bonus of liking our jobs. But what if you could cut out the middleman and just get paid a cool $5,000 to indulge in a weeklong shopping and eating spree? Good news, there's a gig out there that involves exactly that, and it could be yours if you play your cards right. 
The online coupon and offer code aggregator RetailMeNot is currently on the hunt for a new "Shopping Specialist," whose duties will involve testing out a bunch of coupon codes and cash back offers from the site using $5,000 of its money and getting to keep all the goods. It's a pretty cushy gig, and involves minimal work. In other words, it's perfect for a shopaholic who's looking for a side hustle and enjoys spending other people's money on themselves.
Although it's definitely not traditional nine-to-five office work, this is indeed an actual job, and will require the chosen candidate to take on a bit of responsibility during the weeklong stint. Specifically, they'll be tasked with shopping from a mix of at least five online and in-store retailers (selected by RMN) per day and purchase at least one item. They'll eventually be asked to share their experiences with the RMN team, detailing the effectiveness of coupons, promo codes, cash back offers, and instant cash back gift cards that the site and its app offers. Compensation is limited to the $5,000 allocated for spending, but the winning candidate will get to keep absolutely everything they buy and one meal per day will be comped, since the job also involves testing RMN's dining offers. 
There are very few qualifications necessary. If you're over 18, love spotting deals, and "have a minimum of 2 years shopping experience" you're welcome to apply. To throw your hat in the ring you just need to email shoppingspecialist@rmn.comby the August 9 deadline with some personal details and 100-word description of why you’d be the best candidate, along with links to your social media accounts. They're also asking for prospective candidates to include a brief video (under 60 seconds) in which you explain your shopping habits, how you sleuth the internet for deals, and why you'd be the best for the job. 
You got this.

Not bad. $5,000 to shop around and use coupons?? PLUS you get to keep everything you AND get a meal comped? I wonder if I would get hired...Deadline is coming up if you're on the fence about applying! But you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Remember that. - @Traceahamilton

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