Apparently Netflix To Stop Releasing Shows All At Once, Now Weekly Releases

Source– Ever since it started releasing original TV shows, Netflix has been known for its binge release method. The streaming service will release an entire season of a show at a time, allowing fans to watch the entire thing all in one sitting, or pace themselves however they see fit. There were a couple of early experiments with the release model but Netflix has mostly stuck to the idea of binging. Well, that’s about to change for a couple of shows as the streaming service is looking back into weekly releases.
The new season of The Great British Baking Show (Collection 7) is the first program to get the updated weekly treatment. It has usually been released differently in the US and UK, allowing Netflix to release it all at once. However, this time around, Netflix really wants to keep the suspense of eliminations alive.
If you go look at the listing for The Great British Baking Show on Netflix, you’ll see just one episode available for Collection 7. There are future episodes shown but none of them are able to be watched. Instead, there is just a date for the release of that single episode. Releasing each episode weekly will allow viewers to keep up with the reality competition just as they do shows that air on cable.

Oh God, it's happening. Streaming services just reinvented cable television...can you believe it?! Fresh on the heels of the hottest dumpster fire of a final season that was 'Game Of Thrones', streaming services went "hmmm, people are actually talking about this show onlines, on a week to week basis, dissecting the episode, finding easter eggs, AND making predictions on things to come?! We need to take this into consideration, think of the clicks and traction we could have!" Disney+ already announced that ALL their shows will be released on a weekly episodic schedule of some sort, HBO GO does the same with their streaming platform (obviously, but still) and Amazon looks like they too might be jumping back into the old format. I'll say this, it's going to piss a lot of people off. A LOT. But in the end I think it's a good thing. I think it will force showrunners and writers to think on their feet more. HOW are they going to keep the audience in suspense week after week? They won't have the luxury of a "filler" episode anymore and thank GOD because, honestly, when I find myself in the middle of one of those, the only thing I have to look forward to is there's an episode coming immediately after to explain why I just wasted an hour of my life. If I had to wait a week, I'd definitely just move on to another show. It'll be interesting to see the response on Netflix's move going forward with some of their hit shows. Maybe it will even get me to watch less television in the long run...maybe.

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