Adam Sandler Reportedly Getting Oscar Buzz For Upcoming Film 'Uncut Gems'


YOOOOOO. Wow. Okay. Let me collect my thoughts. I don't want to get too excited because Sandler movies do NOT have the best track record at being hits. Although, I can't promise that all my work would be Academy Award winning quality if I had to write, star and produce like 8 movies in three years with Netflix. Also, comedy...THIS, however, this trailer looks incredible. The Safdie Brothers do NOT make bad movies (I highly recommend the RPatts film 'Good Time' for reference and style of film those boys churn out), A24 is an incredibly successful production house (Eighth Grade, Mid90s, Midsommar), and Adam Sandler is due for a comeback film. I thought his latest film with Jennifer Aniston was actually pretty good (Murder Mystery) and his standup (100% Fresh) proved that he's got plenty left in the tank.

There is Oscar buzz with this film. It's a low rumble right now, obviously we'll have to see the movie in December to really see if it lives up to the hype but I am very much looking forward to seeing Sandler in this dramatic, almost villain, role. Look for a full review later once the movie is out! - T

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