Be On The Lookout For The Chicago Pothole Artist!

Not sure how old this video is because I'm pretty sure I've seen either the exact same one or something very similar a few years ago...either way, that's beside the point if you're hearing about this guy for the first time on this blog. You're welcome. Say hello to artist Jim Bachor, who's art lives on the streets of Chicago. Potholes are absolutely one of the worst minor inconveniences you can encounter during your day. Have you ever hit a road that's just been riddled with them? You might as well be on a jungle safari with how much your shocks and suspension are working. Thankfully, Bachor is doing something about it and giving us something nice to look at while we wait to cross the street. Check out his work HERE and keep an eye out for his pieces next time you take a stroll in the city. - @traceahamilton

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