Kip Moore Lets Us In On His Fitness Secrets!

If this doesn't motivate you at least a little bit, then I admire your strength to stay right where you are. I'm in the studio right now just wanting to do SOME sort of physical activity after watching that. I also admire Kip's strength to NOT eat horribly on the road. I'm very nervous for my first time on tour because I, like others, can't seem to stay away from a fast food burger for very long. Here Kip is LOSING weight on tour without the proper diet whereas I'd be hoping that the show I put on burns enough calories for me to get those shakes and fries off of my gut. I probably have some work to do before hitting the road...either way, learned a lot from this thanks to Kip and Men's Health! Eggs and salsa will be consumed first thing tomorrow morning. Gotta try everything once, right? - @Traceahamilton

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