Rejoice! US Has "Largest-Ever Single Year Drop" In Cancer Deaths

WGN - The rate of people dying from cancer in the United States continued to decline for the 26th year in a row, according to a new American Cancer Society report.
From 2016 to 2017, the United States saw its largest-ever single-year drop in overall cancer deaths, a 2.2% plunge spurred in part by a sharp decline in lung cancer deaths
“What is really driving that is the acceleration in the decline of mortality for lung cancer, and the reason that is encouraging is because lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, causing more deaths in the US than breast, colorectal cancer and prostate cancers combined,” said Rebecca Siegel, first author of the report and scientific director of surveillance research at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta.

This report is actually an incredible read. Good news is good news. I mean, just look at these facts.

As of 2017, the death rate for lung cancer dropped by 51% among men since its peak in 1990 and by 26% among women since its peak in 2002, the report found.

However, there is a second part of the report that is kind of scary.

The report projects there will be about 1.8 million cancer cases diagnosed in the United States this year, which is equivalent to about 4,950 new cases each day, according to the report.
The lifetime probability of being diagnosed with invasive cancer is 40.1% for men and 38.7% for women, the report estimated.
The report projected that an estimated 606,520 people in the United States will die from cancer this year, which corresponds to more than 1,600 deaths per day.

That's enough to scare anyone into eating right and dropping the cigarettes. 40% I'll be diagnosed with SOME type of invasive cancer?!?! That's terrifying. Cancer is no joke. It's a sh*tty terrible disease that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. While there doesn't seem to be a "cure" for cancer, eating right, dropping the cigarettes and exercise are always a good option. I hope this is a bit of an eye opener for everyone thinking of getting out of their new year's resolutions early. Stay healthy.

Read the full report HERE

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