Daily Devotional: March 11, 2021

First of all, thank you for being here and doing this daily devotion with me.

I always post about these on my Instagram stories if you ever want to join there you can find me @BrookeRadio

Today's devotional is out of the book: Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young (you can purchase HERE)


This is always one of my favorite verses; 2 Corinthians 5:7 because it's just so true!

Our sight gets clouded by so much mess.. so many things of this world make us want things that just aren't meant for us.. and it really does take walking by FAITH to get to where you're called to be.

I shared my testimony in the first two episodes of my podcast Blessed with Brooke where I talk about leaving a job where I made the most money I've ever made.. where I was meeting actors, actresses, major A list celebrities, walking red carpets, bein on TV.. really 'living the dream.' But, it wasn't FOR me. It wasn't where God was calling me and I knew I had to trust Him in that moment.. so yeah, I quit.

The full episodes are available below if you want to listen to them, but I have to say.. walking by faith and not by sight.. is one of the MOST POWERFUL things you'll ever do.

Pray this prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Help me today to trust you whole heartedly and walk by faith, not by sight. Allow me to seek You in every decision, to take steps that are uncomfortable and to have the strength to endure it. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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