Daily Encouragement: March 30, 2021

First of all, thank you for being here and doing this daily encouragement with me.

I always post about these on my Instagram stories if you ever want to join there you can find me @BrookeRadio

I always like to pull inspo out of my devotional book and its called: Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young (you can purchase HERE)

You know what's hard to do? TRUST.

It's one of those things where it is planted in you at some point in your life that someone has to EARN your trust.. and I stumbled upon this post on Facebook:

WOW! I had to read that like 5 times to let it really sink in..

But, also in my devotional it talks about how we need to trust God with ALL our heart.

When we're weary... when we feel like everything is going wrong.. all we have to do is release it and say I trust you Jesus.

That SIMPLE act can MOVE mountains.

Pray this prayer today: Dear Heavenly Father, I trust you. I pray today that you would remind me of your love and faithfulness and help me to release any trust issues.. any problems.. all to you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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