Brooke's Bumpdate: 39 Weeks!

Okay y'all, this is crazy for me to say.. but.. it's my due date week!!!

As of today I'm 39 weeks pregnant.. my official due date is June 21st and I just cannot believe it's here.

Obviously I'm hoping for her to come earlier than that.. because if you've been pregnant.. you know.. I'M READY!!

But, also just because I'm so eager to meet our little Emma Grace.

Wanted to share some belly bump pictures with you from this weekend.. been trying to document all the pics leading up to her getting here.

My feet have been swelling so much too! Ready for this to go away,

Me at work!

Wooooooh this BUMP! I know I'm gonna miss it one day, but the stretching skin feeling.. ready for that to be done too haha

So, I guess that's it! Baby Watch has officially begun!

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