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An infant was killed this weekend in Chicago among at least twelve other individuals who were shot. According to FOXNEWS, the infant died after being rushed to the hospital when an unidentified suspect shot her through a car.
FOX32 spoke to a community activist who hopes that footage was able to capture the identity of the suspect who shot at the car.
"I hope one of these cameras or somebody got her information and knows how she looks. You just took this baby’s life. This baby was an infant, this baby didn’t do nothing to you. We understand it may have been two cars shooting back and forth at each other. We’re not going to stand for this in this city," Andrew Holmes shared with FOX32.
Mayoral candidate Ja'Mal Green said that he would offer a $5,000 reward to anyone who comes forward with information.
"A 5-month-old girl was just shot in the head in Chicago. My heart breaks for this young girl & her family. I am offering a $5,000 reward NOW to someone who comes forward to give answers that can lead to an arrest & conviction! $2,500 when they are arrested, $2,500 when convicted. It’s time to get to the root of this violence so we can create a better city for our Children," shared Green.
The victim has been identified as Cecelia Thomas, and the suspect remains on the loose.