That escalated quickly...if you're unfamiliar with the brand, Barstool Sports, here's the sparknoted version. They're one of the best damn things on the internet. They literally ARE the internet. Rabid fanbase. Incredible content and everyone who isn't them absolutely LOATHES them, which makes me love them even more. They have events held in rural towns (for now) called Rough 'N' Rowdy where normal people like you and me can have beef, throw on some boxing gloves and go to town on each other while the world watches from a live stream. It looks like an incredible event to be at and dammit this might be the fight that gets me on the plane. Obviously this is all in jest but weirder things have happened thanks to this crazy internet world we live who knows! Just know, if it does happen...I'll be ringside for SURE. - @Traceahamilton
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